Picture yourself in a couple of years, you have completed your business diploma at successfully and joined the workforce. You have secured yourself an entry level position for a large corporation. Sure, your position is at the bottom of the totem pole, so to speak, but you are ambitious. You have drive. With a little hard work, and some time and effort you plan to make your way up to executive status. You are starting at the company with a clean slate, however, regardless of your work ethic and skill level, there are still certain things that can hold you back from achieving your goals.
Your professional image is very important and can affect your professional reputation. Your reputation is important because it can affect such things as whether your coworkers want to work with you on group projects, whether your boss can trust you, or whether clients will choose to give you their business.
Please read on for some examples things that can be detrimental to your professional image, whether you realize it or not.
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